Tag Transform
Tag transform is a unique extension to display your Joomla native tags in a nice way. Since Joomla 3.1, the tagging system enhance the content management in Joomla. All your articles can have tags and then create a semantic link with all tagged content.
But how about automatically adding your tag in a module and display tags in various way? Tag transform module allows you to display your tag as a menu, drop down accordion because tags got level in Joomla, drop down list, flat view and 3D view. Everything is coming with nice designed themes inside and a lot of custom display options.
Create your tags, configure the Tag Transform module and display tags the way you want.
Main advantages:
Display as menu with 3 styles
Reflect the tag levels in menu
Display the tag total number
Display as a module
Flat view with only CSS (light)
Dropdown list selection
Limit the number of tags
Display as 3D cloud
Sorting on count basis
Joomla ordering implementation
Cildren tag count display
Easy parameters
Respect the Joomla native tag system
K2 tag compatible
Stackideas Easy blog tag compatible
Mosets Tree tag compatible
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