Solidres Hub - Hotel & Tour Booking
Solidres is a hotel booking extension for Joomla! CMS. Solidres itself is a free extension and you can download, install and use it in unlimited sites as you wish. Also, Solidres follows Joomla coding standard (MVC structure) therefore customizing Solidres or developing template for Solidres is a pleasant task for all Joomla developers/designers. Although Solidres was designed to support hotel (room-based) booking, it can still be used for other type of booking businesses like apartment/villas booking, B&B, guest house, camp site, we can even see some users who use Solidres for cat boarding or 3G USB booking.
Support booking per night or per day
03 reservation layouts to choose from in front end
Support private room as well as shared room (dormitory)
One page AJAX + well organized reservation form: it is one of our strongest feature, it makes booking a nice experience for your guests, this is very important factor for booking because most of the guests will stop booking if they find it hard to understand the user interface or having to fill a horrible form with too many fields.
Flexible tariff configuration
Multilingual with Falang integration
Availability calendar
Easy media management with multiple files uploading, drag & drop re-ordering, automatic thumbnail creation with configurable thumbnail sizes.
Multiple currencies: you can configure as many currencies you wish and display them in front end in a module so that they can switch the currency as they want.
Custom fields via XML
Coupon supports
Tax supports
Deposit support: configure whether to accept deposit and configure deposit amount. Deposit can be fixed amount or percentage of booking cost or per stay length (for example charging first 2 nights's cost as deposit)
Extra items can be configured as mandatory and charged per booking or per room.
Google Map integrated: allow drag and drop on map to find your location visually.
Built-in Simple gallery
Built-in payment methods: Pay Later and Bank Wire
Easy to modify email templates via Joomla template overrides.
Responsive layout
Responsive email templates
MVC Joomla coding standard
Backend drag and drop ordering
Joomla template overrides for all component views.
Export reservation as CSV
Facebook OpenGraph support
Back end reservation creation or amend for staff
Single use supplement
Supported by multiple Joomla template providers
Easy to use and configure (free video tutorial available at our website)
Live reservation unread count
Ability to send reservation notification emails to multiple email addresses
Ability to re-generate all thumbnails
Support Google Maps API Key
Extensible via plugins and modules
Ability to disable online booking and show inquiry contact form instead.
Support both Bootstrap 2 and Bootstrap 3 out of the box
Menu types to show single asset or single room type
Ability to auto detect when guest's session is going to be expired and raise warning
Check availability for specific room type
Add ability to override language per asset's category
Support booking require approval
Support tourist tax (fixed amount per person per night), this tax is needed by some countries where tourist tax are required
Support reCaptcha in booking form to prevent bots and spam
Ability to automatically calculate the tax amount for price included tax (tax inclusive or tax exclusive)
Support payment method surcharge and discount
Support tax exemption
Tracking view to allow non-registered guests to check their reservation info using a combination of reservation code and email address (since v2.6.1)
New feature in v2.7.0:
Configurable reservation statuses and payment statuses
Payment history: record all related payments for a reservation
Front end availability calendar can show fully booked dates and partially booked dates
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