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JoomMap is a unique and comprehensive mapping solution for Joomla, you can create advanced map based directories easily. Define the content for each location using CCK functionality and give your users the ability to search and filter using familiar UI elements.
✨ Main Features
- Compatible with Joomla 3 & Joomla 4
- Attach many locations to a single map easily
- Add and display map legends
- Attach location types to a legend
- Categorize your locations into types represented by a toggle in the map legend
- Assign your locations to more than one location type
- Responsive and will work on any device
- Includes over +100 custom designed marker pins
- Joomla custom fields integration
?️ Map Features
- Ability to add multiple maps each map has it's own locations
- Ability to add description to your map listing
- GeoCoder tool to get latitude and longitude easily
- Ability to add custom content tabs for your map listing
- Choose map type: Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain
- Enable or disable display of the Map type control
- Change default zoom level from 1 to 12
- Define the maximum zoom level
- Enable or disable zooming with the mouse wheel
- Ability to allow the user to drag the map with the mouse
- Show or hide pan controls on the map
- Enable or disable street view controls on the map
- Change map size in template or using config parameters
- Change Legends position: above, below, left sidebar or right sidebar
- Ability to change sidebar width if legend position in the left or right
- Define the default state of markers on your maps
- Show or hide tab of locations list
- Ability to display tab locations list first
- Ability to add metadata of map listing
- Easy backend management of maps
- Google FitBounds methods support (the map will automatically zoom and pan so all markers fit as nicely as possible within the visible bounds of the map)
- Fullscreen functionality to the map view using the HTML5 Fullscreen API
- Snazzy Maps API integration
- Google MarkerClusterer support (clustering markers within close range of each other into a single clickable point)
- Find My Location button (Using geolocation information provided by the users device the user can find their location at the press of a button)
?️ Legend Features
- Ability to add multiple legends
- Ability to add subtitle to each legend
- Easy backend management of legends
? Location Type Features
- Ability to add multiple location types
- Easy backend management of location types
- Attach location type to a legend
- Choose default marker for location type
- Joomla custom fields integration
- Define Joomla custom fields for each location type
- Customize label text and background color
? Location Features
- Users can submit locations
- Ability to add multiple locations
- Easy backend management of locations
- Attach location to map
- Attach location to a primary location type
- Attach location to multiple additional location types
- Add main image to location
- Add description, address and phone to location
- GeoCoder tool to get latitude and longitude easily
- You can use marker of the primary location type or use an alternative marker
- Ability to fill custom fields predefined by the primary location type
- Ability to change Infobox link type (own page, url, map, menu item or no link)
- Searching of locations using standard Joomla search functionality
- And more ....
➕ Other Features
- Joomla Auto update system
- Use Joomla MVC Structure
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