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ECDNR - Easy CDN Rewrite

ECDNR - Easy CDN Rewrite Pro

Version v5.0.0.0
Compatibility J4 & J5
Developer site Viktor Vogel external
License Read Rules external
Views 5
Dev Price € 20
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 3

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Remember to extract zip file!

Enables the Content Delivery Network support in Joomla! Easy CDN Rewrite Downloads enables the Content Delivery Network support in Joomla! by rewriting the paths of static files to the CDN domain. With the CDN integration, you get faster server responses, decrease the server load and mitigate DDoS attack impacts on your Joomla! website.


The paths of the following files are rewritten: JavaScript, CSS and images. You may use any CDN provider that supports Pull CDN (Pull Zones) or an own subdomain that points to the same root directory. Please check the corresponding manuals on how to set up the CDN domain and set the DNS records correctly.

With the CSS option, also the paths of fonts are rewritten. You might encounter a problem due to the CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) mechanism. In this case, you must allow embedding fonts from 3rd party URLs (your CDN domain) via the header entry "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *".

Paths of dynamically loaded static files via JavaScript are not processed.



Install the extension in the backend under Extensions. Set the desired settings in Extensions - Plugins - System - Easy CDN Rewrite - ECDNR.

Note: You must place the plugin in the last position (Ordering - Order Last). If you are using a cache plugin (for instance Page Cache Extended Pro), then you must place Easy CDN Rewrite Pro just right before this plugin. It means that in this constellation the cache plugin must be placed last and Easy CDN Rewrite Pro just before it!

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