JO Social Content Locker for K2
JO K2 Social Content Locker using for K2 articles (items) allows you to lock a part of content or any page on a web page until a user clicks one of the social buttons (Facebook Like, Facebook share, Tweet tweet, twitter follow, Google +1, Google share, Linkedin, YouTube Subscribe) and help you to get more likes/tweets/+1s, traffic and customers!.
It is very simple to use and adaptive to any Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x and all version K2
Activate the plugin
- the most basic for this is:
{josociallocker} Content {/josociallocker}
- Using custom Url: (socialurl="...")
{josociallocker socialurl="https://joomcore.com"} Content {/josociallocker}
- Work on Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x and all version K2
- Super easy setup is simple.
- Support responsive web design.
- Locks any type of content until the user shares it! Images, Videos, Flash, HTML , etc.
- Locks any page or content in your site.
- You can insert Social Content Locker in any position in site.
- No way to view content until social action is completed!
- Supports 5 theme and 8 social buttons!
- Allow config Facebook fan page in Facebook like button.
- Support multi language.
- Allow config show or hide button.
- Allow config position button.
- You can set an own URL for social button.
- Cookies remember users who have already unlocked your content!.
- Multiple lockers on the same page or post page!.
- Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5.