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AntiCopy Full - protect content being copied or via Devtool

AntiCopy Full - protect content being copied or via Devtool F12

Version v4.2.0
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Galaa external
License Read Rules external
Views 24
Dev Price $ 10
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 3

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Remember to extract zip file!

This award winning plugin helps to protect your copyrighted content being copied without permission.


Restrictions by User Groups:

  1. Restrict a web page is printed
  2. Disable Right Click
  3. Make HTML source code hard to read
  4. Disable dragging
  5. Restrict copying
  6. Popup notification on copy or cut


Also, it has more functionalities such as URL exclusion and prevention of framing on other websites.

The paid full version of this plugin provides the following additional anti-copy protections:

  1. Protect the source code of the HTML.
  2. Detect if JavaScript is disabled and demand to enable it. If open, it hides content.
  3. Detect if devtools is open. If yes, it hides content and shows a notification.
  4. Restrict keyboard shortcuts.


The HTML source code protection can be deactivated for search engine bots. Also, it is possible to add "noarchive" meta tag to hide cached contents on search results. Also, you can specify which bots are allowed to access your website's content.


Restriction by user groups
Disable right click
Restrict printing AUP_APPROVED
Make HTML hard to read
Disable dragging AUP_APPROVED
Restrict copying AUP_APPROVED
Notify on copy or cut AUP_APPROVED
Custom notification message
Prevent framing on other sites AUP_APPROVED
Protect source code of the HTML body AUP_PENDINGAPPROVAL
Doesn't protect source code of the HTML body if search engine AUP_PENDINGAPPROVAL AUP_APPROVED
Custom list of search engine bots
Predefined list of search engine bots
Add "noarchive" meta tag
Detect if JavaScript is disabled
Custom alert for disabled JavaScript AUP_PENDINGAPPROVAL AUP_APPROVED
Detect if devtools is opened AUP_APPROVED
Custom alert for opened devtools AUP_APPROVED
Disable keyboard shortcuts AUP_APPROVED

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