YOOtheme Design Bites - Creative
Quickstart for Joomla 5, Joomla 4 & Joomla 3 - incl (all demo images) Curtain up for our new Joomla and WordPress theme package for YOOtheme Pro – Design Bites. It's our first demo website which makes use of all the new features of YOOtheme Pro 2.0 – dynamic content, custom fields and the template builder. Design Bites is a design resources directory filled with 140+ demo posts. Its trendy colorful blob shapes in the background give the site a playful creative look. With its material style, vibrant colors and bold typography, Design Bites is perfect for a resource or download directory as well as any creative website. Check it out yourself. We have also great news for WordPress users, the YOOtheme Pro 2.0 Stable release is available now ??.
Page Layouts
Design Bites is a website for design resources which comes with 9 different layouts. Resources posts styled as cards give the site a clean, organized look, while a vibrant call to action newsletter at the end of every layout draws attention of the visitors.
Home Layout
Resources Layout
Resource Category Layout
Resource Index Layout
Resource Post Layout
About Layout
Post Index Layout
Post Layout
Imprint Layout
Our new theme has a modern material style with box shadows, rounded borders and a bold secondary color. Its vivid color scheme gives it a playful spring look. In addition, thick headlines and thin text typography with a sans-serif font make Design Bites a perfect fit for a creative website.
Default Style
In addition to the default style, Design Bites comes with 5 other style variations, each with a different beautiful color scheme. They all have a white background with vivid foreground colors. You can switch the whole look and feel of your website with just a click. Choose the one that fits your website best!
Handmade Icons
We also handcrafted illustrations that are used as intro images for all categories of our Design Bites theme. You can change their color and use them with any style.
Background Blobs
Blobs are an absolute design trend right now, so we could not miss the chance to incorporate them in our new theme. Design Bites uses these playful, colorful blobs all over the site. Absolutely positioned in the background and with a slight parallax effect and gradients, blobs are an important part of the look and feel of our new theme.
Content Types and Custom Fields
In addition to the blog and its posts, Design Bites comes with pages and templates for design resources filled with 140+ demo posts. In Joomla this content type is created by assigning custom fields to the Resource category, while in WordPress a Resource custom post type is used.
Design resources are organized in a two-level category hierarchy. There are 120 design resources sorted into 6 main resources categories: Fonts, Brushes, Vectors, Graphics, Mockups and UI Kits. Each category has up to 5 subcategories.
The first-level resource categories have 2 custom fields which are dynamically mapped into the home page.
3rd Party Integrations
With the use of dynamic content, it got more important to us that our demo websites are fully functional solutions and are built the best way possible. This is why we we put an extra effort, especially into the WordPress demo package. WordPress has great possibilities to organize content with custom post types and taxonomies but falls short in other features which Joomla has by default. Getting the best result took us a bit longer, but it is definitely worth the wait.
First of all, we converted articles and categories from Joomla to WordPress custom post types that have their own taxonomies and custom fields. That's the best way to organize your content. To add the missing features we also integrated popular WordPress plugins into YOOtheme Pro and the demo packages. But one thing is still missing. There is no option to show popular posts in WordPress, which is why the ordering is currently set to Id. But we are looking into some 3rd party plugins and will add support very soon.