YOOtheme Vibe - Music Artists, Bands & DJs
Quickstart for Joomla 5, Joomla 4 & Joomla 3 - incl (all demo images) Just a few days after the release of YOOtheme Pro 1.6 we are happy to present to you our May 2017 theme Vibe. Apart from using the newest Pro features, like the Table and Countdown elements, it comes with a richer visual design and a focus on graphical details and modern effects. With its dark background, colorful gradients and subtle textures, Vibe is perfect for music artists, bands, DJs and of course all kinds of music related websites. But it can also be used for any other web project with its futuristic, dark style.
The special Vibe style definitely catches your eye! This time, we decided to merge the popular Material Design principles with modern skeuomorphism – creating a hybrid of funky colors, smooth shadows, animations and textures on sections. Colorful gradients further emphasize some of the components.
Of course, YOOtheme Pro 1.7 is in the making. Right now we are focusing on developing new elements and working off your wish list. The WYSIWYG editor was a much demanded feature and we will keep adding more. In the meantime we would like to know what you think. So, as usual, post your feedback in the comments.
- Beautiful Vibe style
- 6 page layouts
- Great for personal websites
- Artist and music topic
- 41 lovingly curated and free-to-use images
- All these features are available in YOOtheme Pro