Publisher - Personal Blog
A writing theme for content publishers that keeps the traditional post layout, but adds extra features to promote your posts using slick previews created by our custom modules. It’s a wonderful theme for bloggers and writers to share their thoughts, with enough flair to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Classic Joomla blog-style post layouts keep readers comfortable.
In any blog, content is king. For this reason, this blog theme uses the familiar post style to make it easy to see when publish date, category and author, and you can control how many featured posts are on the landing page; whether you want to showcase a single stickied post, or keep a list of your most recent, you've got the options you need.
Make your personal content stand out with our showcasing Joomla module.
But what if you’ve written a truly great post that you want people to see more of? This is where our modules come in. Our module for displaying your articles has extensive features to highlight posts from a particular category, specified posts, or just latest posts in general with an offset to avoid duplicating your frontpage content.
Visualize your Joomla blog articles with images for interesting page links.
Each article can be previewed with images and titles, and pagination means you can have multiple sets of posts listed in each module. For that extra special showcase, our image slideshow adds large slides to the bottom of your main page with auto-rotating images and animated titles.
Getting the most from your blogging theme with extras like full K2 support.
Extras like K2 support, extensive typography settings and shortcodes, social media like and share buttons and tag clouds provide more chances to stand out from the crowd and get noticed, making Publisher one of the best blogging platforms available today.