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GK Simplicity - Professional Busi

GK Simplicity - Professional Business

Version v3.23
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site GavickPro external
License Read Rules external
Views 5,222
Dev Price $ 49
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Clarity in design, complex in function; this responsive template for company websites includes a parallax scrolling header with a newsletter sign-up field and a call to action to maximize your consumer impact and grow your online profile, alongside with custom HTML sections that offer a professional overview of your company profile, with preview links to articles or pages to help potential clients dig up additional information.

Newsletter sign-ups offer a real-world impact to your online activities

It begins with a call to action; a light parallax image header with an email form that can invite users to sign-up to your newsletter or get a free trial or quote straight away. With this simple header, you can immediately begin the sales process for any visitor that reaches your site; no need to include links or expect users to move to a new page to continue the process.

Provide more details of your business services for the curious

If they require more information, then everything they need to know is right below; CSS3-animated icons get their attention with accompanying text, and each can be linked to other pages to provide an instant resource for further information. Extra HTML structures offer sleek animated element reveals and interesting block text.

Link your popular write-ups directly on the frontpage

Most businesses want to maintain a dynamic online presence; it's not enough in this hyper-connected world to stick with static, unchanging pages. Our article-display module brings your popular write-ups to the fore to keep customers up-to-date, so you can provide service updates, blog posts or other company news direct to your customers.

A price table and testimonial offer additional avenues for attracting investment

Some potential clients will be naturally wary about purchasing a service they are certain your business is trustworthy. With a clear price table, you can outline exactly what your services include, and a special testimonials section will give your existing satisfied customers a voice to further bolster your online business profile. Want to go beyond the front page? Simplicity is ready. Original article layouts for K2 and Joomla and beautiful enhancements to your text, like quote blocks, speech bubbles, numbered blocks and much more for bespoke content that’s just as innovative as the rest of your website.

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