Nozix - JoomlaUX
Nozix - Music Responsive Template - Joomla Nozix - Music Responsive Template - Joomla - 1 Live Preview → NOO Nozix - Joomla 3 Music Responsive Template Description Nozix is a high quality Joomla! template built in T3V3 Framework - the popular Template framework for for Joomla 3.0 using Bootstrap. Nozix is totally responsive, which means your website will have no trouble in loading on any screen size. Nozix comes with high technical quality and esthetic design. It has +4 powerful Joomla! extensions rolled in to give you a smoothly functioned and extremely easy-to-customize website. Plus, you are supported with the Clean-Clear-Simple layout with 4 color styles. The template is born for music business: bands, musicians, DJs, music blogger, music event, shows... Nozix is all you need to create a stunning & perfect music site.
11 PSD design files included Ultra responsive layout Joomla 3.x ready T3V3 Framework base with beautiful design, powerful customization feature Bootstrap integration Comprehensive documentation included Full K2 integration with All Categories, User Blog, Latest Item, K2 Blog, K2 Item, K2 Modules... Mega Menu ready 4 color styles +4 Premium Joomla extensions Designed with HTML5, CSS3 Optimized and less .css Cross browser compatibility Easy to customize and user friendly Delivered with Quickstart Installation Demo content (pages, posts, layouts etc.) is included so that you can be up and running quickly. Full source plus invidiual PSDs for all sections and patterns included. Extensive online and offline documentation, you can view online document here Supported by IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. All images in main PSD and quickstart were generated from placehold.it to help you know exactly image size.