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JA Smashboard - Entertain

JA Smashboard - Entertainment

Version v1.1.6
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site JoomlArt external
License Read Rules external
Views 5,780
Dev Price $ 49
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JA Smashboard is very unique template, it features horizontal and infinity scrolling, vertical menu and keyboard navigation support. A perfect fit for products showcasing / portfolio gallery, music and entertainment or even your personal blog. Runs on our robust T3v3 Framework, JA Smashboard is customizable and easily configure. The framework itself is responsive, ensuring JA Smashboard looks amazing in any devices.


JA Smashboard template runs on T3 framework with bootstrap in its core, which makes it responsive by default. All included extensions supports responsive layouts too. Available for both Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.

All of our latest Joomla templates now supports RTL language layouts. JA Smashboard is no exception, inspite of its unique design and layout, we have extended RTL support for it.

This is what makes JA Smashboard unique. Horizontal infinity scrolling. The inspiration is drawn from the YouTube TV page.


For different category pages, there will be a different background associated with a particular category. How cool is that?

JA Smashboard has its vertical menu which strives to aid the surfing experience for entertainment to the max.


JA Smashboard stands out with the big fonts typography and minimalistic design. JA Smashboard also supports K2 component. This template now supports RTL language layouts but no megamenu.

Having Off-Canvas and sticky menu on mobile devices and tablets
help viewers quickly navigate through out the site
without reloading the whole page.

Read the articles without navigating away from the category page, keep your users stay within the interested category and assure they will never get lost!

Navigate through pages as well as articles by just using your keyboard. Truly entertaining without the mouse hassles, huh?

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