JM Best Food Bar
JM Best Food Bar is a restaurant Joomla template perfect for any restaurant, food bar, catering company or food recipes blog. It was created with taking your potential customers in mind so we packed this template with everything you need to launch your website during a weekend. On the homepage, we placed all the important information like menu card, gallery, opening hours and restaurant location on the map.
Few more words about the fabulous menu card. We displayed the dishes categories as animated tabs using DJ-Tabs extension. This is a very clear and compact way of presenting an extended restaurant menu so your visitors will get familiar with your offer quick and easy.
This template is ideal for a food and cooking recipes blog too! Become a food blogger and share your delicious recipes and cooking techniques with your blog readers. On the blog pages, we used the DJ-Reviews extension that allows visitors to rate your food recipes and leave reviews to them.
What's included?
Joomla 3.8.x , Joomla 3.9DJ-MediaToolsDJ-MegaMenuDJ-ReviewsDJ-TabsDJ-EasyContactJM Social IconsJM Image CarouselJM Testimonials
no limitations to use other 3rd party extensions
Template version 1.04 changelog
Last update 12 February 2018
Based on framework
EF4 Framework
What you get?
demo copy - quickstart packageextensions used on demo sitetemplate packageframework packagemanual.PSD slicesproduct is available to download in .ZIP package
Additional info
well documentedimmediatelly after payment confirmation instructions on how to download purchased products will be sent to your email addresslatest Joomla! version is required
installation and set up instructions you'll find in the documentation
the template is supportedextensions are supportedcheck more details here.
blogportfolioquick contactrating & reviewsservices presentationsliders & galleriestabs & accordions
admin template customization panelcontent managmentresponsive layout - adapts to any screen size layout builderunlimited template color versionscode injectionback to top buttonfont size switcherlogo uploader & site descriptionfavicon uploadersticky topbarhide componentextended typographyenable/disable responsive layoutenable/disable facebook open graphstore & upload your settings
Layout builder
create different layouts for desktops/tablets/mobilescustomize the template layout to suit your needsassign layout to menu items
Color modifications
front-end theme customizerback-end color modifications
Font settings
web safe fontsgoogle web fontsweb fonts uploaderglyphiconsfont awesomefont size settingfont color setting
Template width default width 1170px, boxed or fluid, pixels or percent, configurable at template parameters
Module positions 30+
Module designs 1 default module + 3 additional module designs, 2 additional DJ-MediaTools module designs
Menu types
dropdown menumega menumobile menuoffcanvas menuhorizontal menuvertical menu