JA Lens
JA Lens is Portfolio Joomla Template for photographers and web designers, is one step ahead our earlier released, JA Puresite and JA Elastica. So total of 3 responsive Joomla templates in our portfolio for catering various needs of our users. JA Lens has added style support for K2 Component and Acymailing component.
Responsive Joomla! templates are the best option to serve your site to mobiles, tablets, netbooks and other handheld devices without worrying about supporting specific platform. One template to serve them all. Responsive Joomla! templates as JA Puresite or JA Elastica adapts and transforms to fit the screen area of the devices, now be it extra wide monitors or be it iPad, iPhone or the Android powered beauties.
JA Lens uses jQuery Masonry script, JA Lens works well and fits well on all the web enabled devices and mobile browsers.
Fully responsive template
JA Lens displays beautifully in all screen sizes, including smart phones and tablet devices.
Uses jQuery Masonry script
It helps in placing all the articles in the optimal position based on the available spaces. Even when your page is loading, it still remains in style.
Grid layout and Linear layout
Your articles are placed in grids, and aligned in a single direction: vertically.
2 styles to switch
There are Default and Light style to choose for your JA Lens.
5 Bonus pages
This beauty come along with 5 bonus pages: 404, Joomla content, News feeds, Web links, and Smart search.
First template to use JA K2 Timeline module
JA Lens is the first template using JA K2 Timeline module. Thanks to the extension, you can have your items display in the timeline manner