JA Erio
JA Erio - A Blog Portfolio Joomla Template for Joomla 3. Simplicity at its best and comes in 6 color options and multiple module layout options - JA Erio combines the power of Joomla CMS with the dynamic creative content control of K2 (Joomla 1.5 only) integration to provide a unique/multi-purpose blog and/or news/informational content resource.
As with all of our latest templates, JA Erio is built using our powerful open source JAT3 Framework - giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed.
Powered by robust T3 Framework 2, it comes bundled with multiple complimentary extensions.
Complimentary extensions
For more stuff like this, visit our Joomla Extensions Club.
JA Extension Manager
JA Bulletin Module
JA Content Slider Module
JA Sidenews Module
JA VMProduct Module
JA Slideshow Module
JA Popup Plugin
JA Typo Plugin
JA Tabs Plugin
JA T3v2 Plugin
3rd Party Extensions
This product fully supports these Extensions