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Kirion - Multipur

Kirion - Multipurpose

Version v1.2.5.
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site ThemeForest external
License Read Rules external
Views 6,805
Dev Price $ 39
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Kirion is a modern and creative template, suited for any type of businesses or organizations. It is highly super flexible, with a clean and professional design. Kirion is the perfect template to build a great website for your company.

Absolutely free template setup like demo site for all customers, just purchase the template and send us a support ticket our support team handle the quickstart package installation.

Key Features of the Template

  1. Joomla 3.8.x Ready
  2. Powerful Warp 7.x Framework
  3. Smart Responsive Layout (smartly handle the mobile part)
  4. Creative and Modern Flat Design, lots of possibilities
  5. Fully compatible for all major browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge etc
  6. Built by HTML5, CSS3, LESS CSS
  7. Built in Gzip Compress and Data URI function for faster site loading
  8. Revolution slider included so you save $25
  9. Dual Typography based on UIKIT 2.x and also support bootstrap
  10. 4 Header style and 4 Menu style included, you can combine with any of them.
  11. 5 Preset with Unlimited Color variation possibilities (choose your color piece by piece from live customizer so no binding with only 5 color)
  12. 72+ Module Positions, 8 Module box Variation with 8 type title combination and you can add 520+ icon as you need also subtitle possible also many common styling included (such as text align, padding reset, margin reset, subtitle etc)
  13. Shortcode Ultimate 3.7.x for generating shortcode like wordpress, that you help to manage your content easily, it’s included 70+ awesome shortcode also it’s save your $31/-. please check this plugin for more details about it.
  14. 570+ FontAwesome icon and 900+ line icon for support any size even retina display also you can call them in anywhere you want.
  15. K2 Styling with Custom Templating for better blogging and portfolio.
  16. All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) are included in the package.
  17. Well Documented with online documentation site and also have dedicated support system with active team.
  18. Translation Ready and Multilingual support and also support RTL features.
  19. and much more, i think it’s better if you please check the demo site fully.

We’d love to hear how satisfied with your download, please give it a rate of stars and leave a review. We will be grateful.