Dergi Theme
Dergi Theme is a fully responsive template for Joomla 3.x and Joomla 2.5 versions which is designed for content-rich web platforms like News, Magazine, Portal etc. You can easily publish your contents in a professional way even if you have hundred of articles and modules on your site. You can use Joomla Articles, K2 items or EasyBlog contents with our template. We used News Show Pro GK5 module to publish all these platforms on our home page.
If one of the pre-defined color is not satisfying you, without any CSS and LESS knowledge you can define your own colors in just seconds thanks to our advanced ThemeMagic feature. Just pick your colors and that's it ready to go!
Also you can set your template's link and text colors, paddings, margins, width and other settings easily. It's child's play to customize your template as you want.
MegaMenu & Off-Canvas Panel
When your site's screen has not enough space, especially on small screens, you can use our Off-Canvas panel to present any content or module. You can choose opening and closing effect among multiple options.
Also you can display any content and module within your menu items. For example you can amaze your visitors by publishing a login or poll module as one of your sub-menu item.