YOOtheme Avion
Let's get to business with Avion, our October 2015 theme release. With its tiled layout and overall clean design, Avion provides the perfect base for your corporate website. Two navbar layouts, four custom widget plugins and a number of handy features offer you the flexibility you need to present content that is heavy on typography.
This theme features two different header layouts. One places the logo inside the navbar, the other one above it, so that big logos fit easily and maintain their proportions. You can select the presets through the Warp administration and assign them to different layouts.
Of course, Avion comes with Widgetkit 2 including four custom widget plugins. A special Gallery widget provides a nice overlay effect and an additional arrow icon. The custom Slideset is great for displaying an events calendar with a hover effect on each item. The tabs switcher fits perfectly with box style panels and the tabbed navigation will always extend to fill the entire panel height. On top of all this, Avion also includes a widget for displaying Tweets from the Twitter content provider.
Avion theme comes with the usual 6 style presets and some additional layout options. A number of useful utility classes and theme components will help you arrange your content. For a full list of these classes and a more detailed overview of the theme's features, check out the Features page.
- 2 different navbar layouts
- Custom Gallery, Slideset, Tabs and Twitter widgets
- Particles animation
- Ripple effect
- Demo pages built with Widgetkit 2
- Full UIkit components styling
- 6 pre-built color schemes
- Easy customizer and LESS integration
- WooCommerce support