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YOOtheme Che

YOOtheme Chester

Version v1.0.4
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site YOOtheme external
License Read Rules external
Views 7,187
Dev Price $ 49
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Make yourself at home with Chester, our February 2016 release. This theme travels light, focusing on essential design elements and paying special attention to detail. It features four custom widgets, the additional Sidepanel position, different main navigation layouts and a bunch of useful little helpers. With its spacious layout and elegant typography, Chester will perfectly represent a hotel, inn or any other grastronomy business, though it's versatile enough to work great with any kind of website.

Chester theme features two different navigation layouts. You can either place the logo on top of a centered main menu, making space for a big logo as well as the additional headerbar position. Or you can display both in a single row to save space. In both cases you have the option to apply a sticky navigation, so it remains at the top of the browser window when scrolling.

Of course Chester comes with Widgetkit 2, our content building toolkit. In addition to the standard plugins we've created four custom widgets that perfectly fit into the theme's overall styling.

Chester theme comes with 6 style presets and a number of additional options to change the position appearance of each section. Some useful utility classes and theme components will help you arrange your content. For a full list of these classes and a more detailed overview of the theme's features, check out the Theme page.

  • 2 different navbar layouts
  • Custom Slider, Popover and two Switcher widgets
  • Additional Sidepanel position
  • Optional custom blog layout
  • Demo pages built with Widgetkit 2
  • Full UIkit components styling
  • 6 pre-built style variations
  • Easy customizer and LESS integration
  • WooCommerce support

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