YOOtheme Finch
Adventurers, globetrotters, and outdoor friends, check out Finch, our November 2015 release. This sophisticated theme provides tons of custom options and additional features to make browsing through your website a true experience. Its rich, textured widescreen layout makes it perfect for any kind of travel blog or magazine.
Finch comes with our own content builder Widgetkit 2, including three exclusive new custom widgets. The Popover widget allows you to position items through coordinates on top of a main image, which is chosen through the widget settings. Content will be displayed inside a dropdown triggered by each item. The custom Slider provides a special layout, placing the item's title outside the overlay and the custom Slideshow couples the navigation to its content.
- Custom Popover, Slider and Slideshow widgets
- Block appearance options, like background, texture and padding
- Opacity and alignment options for widgets/modules
- Clipped background images on text
- Optionally sticky and transparent navbar
- Demo pages built with Widgetkit 2
- Full UIkit components styling
- 6 pre-built style variations
- Easy customizer and LESS integration
- WooCommerce support