Make a perfect first impression with this Joomla 3.x template designed for anyone who likes clean designs such as design studios, business consultants, software developers, startups and many more. ICE features useful CSS3 effects, full Bootstrap support and 45 module positions with unlimited color styles in fully responsive fixed or fluid width layouts that look amazing on all devices.
"ice" features many different color styles fully customizable to handle just about any web project and content.
This theme features many different color styles fully customizable to handle just about any web project and content. If you have a big logo it is recommend to place your logo above the menu in center position, otherwise you can add a small logo into the left side of the menubar.
Template Features
Responsive Layout
46 Module Positions
Warp7 Framework with UiKit
Custom Typography
Social Button Options
Custom 404 Page
Custom Offline Page
Animated Modules
Responsive Slideshow
500 Google Fonts
Megamenu & Off Canvas
Real Time Customizer
Flexible Module Width
Sticky Menu
Advanced Profile Settings
Gzip & Minify Compression
300 Font Awesome Icons
Unlimted Background Colors
3 Different Module Styles
Unlimited Theme Colors
Joomla 3 Quickstart