LawHouse - Lawyers Attorneys
LawHouse is a beautiful legal website designed for individual attorneys, lawyers, law firms and for any legal and law related small business firms. The modern, clean and professional layout makes sure of your potential client to visit your site. It has so many real world features such as areas of practice, attorney bio, gallery, question and answer, areas of practice, news section, pricing and more.
For site customization, this template incorporates the drag and drop Layout Builder and Page Builder (Save $39) so that one can rearrange site elements, to drag them across the screen, and drop them into place. No coding or programming expertise is required. This Joomla Template also features Revolution Slider ($25), Helix3 Joomla framework, SP Social Module etc to ensure a better template.
Features List
- Latest Joomla Version Ready
- 5 Home Variations
- 5 Header Layout
- Revolution Slider (Save $25)
- Drag and Drop Layout Builder
- SP Page Builder Pro (Save $49)
- Quickstart Package with Full Demo Data
- Article Post Formats: Standard, Video, Gallery, Audio
- Sticky Header
- Powerful Helix3 Framework
- Responsive Template
- Bootstrap3 and less
- Pre-made 4 Preset Styles with Unlimited Color
- FontAwesome icons
- Contact Page
- Custom 404 and Offline Page
- Google Web Fonts
- Details Documentation
- Easy to customize and user friendly