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Fashion & Style - Hair Be

Fashion & Style - Hair Beauty

Version v3.11.3
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site GavickPro external
License Read Rules external
Views 8,170
Dev Price $ 49
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Our new theme offers a trend-setting animated responsive design that’s brilliant for fashion followers to write about the big new styles coming this season. The chic tile layout animates to fit the screen size and boasts extra hover effects that will impress your readers. Each tile can be configured to display the article you want, to ensure your best work gets seen.

Everything you desire, included in one template

How is this achieved? It’s all thanks to the power of our flagship module for Joomla, NSP. The wealth of options available let you decide exactly which of your articles should be brought to the frontpage. You can arrange for each tile to update itself automatically with new articles from a specific category, leaving the frontpage to essentially run itself!

The modern style is available throughout the site

This tile design carries into the post pages too; the traditional-looking sidebar is abandoned for a 3-column bar that is just as responsive and packed as the frontpage. Once again, you have full control to promote your articles and encourage users to keep searching through your site, increasing your page views and improving your bounce rate.

Multiple options for making your own posts or other content

Adding new articles is easy due to K2 support, the premier article manager for Joomla. If you prefer the traditional Joomla Article Manager, you can use that too alongside K2 with no issue. Full template options let you add fonts, control layouts and so much more; we’d need a full website just to explain the features!

We’d love to hear how satisfied with your download, please give it a rate of stars and leave a review. We will be grateful.