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ZT Layer Sl

ZT Layer Slider


ZT Layer Slider  v 1.1.0

Version v 1.1.0
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site ZooTemplate external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,460
Dev Price $ 20
Price € Free 6 Months Free Updates
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ZT Layer Slider is the most advanced Joomla Slider Module, developed by a group of enthusiastic programmers and developers of With this new extension, you can create your own impressive sliders with many layers and cool transition effects.ZT Layer Slider is the most advanced Joomla Slider Module, developed by a group of enthusiastic programmers and developers of With this new extension, you can create your own impressive sliders with many layers and cool transition effects.


ZT Layerslider
Compatibility: Joomla! ver 2.5 & 3.0



We want Layer Slider to be able to fulfill all slide based roles along with special functionality like carousels and hero blocks. If you can’t find a specific feature, feel free to ask us!

Hero, Carousel and Classic Slider Features

All Sizes Possible (Full Responsive + Revolutionary 4 Level Advanced Sizes)
* Fullwidth, Fullscreen, Auto Responsive Slider sizes
* Unlimited Sliders per page
* Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiled, Alignment, etc.
* WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
* Published / Unpublished Slides
* Link and Actions on Slides
* Parallax Effects, full customizeable, combine with Ken Burns and other effects (Mouse / Scroll controlled)
* Improved Light weight Ken Burns Effects (easier & faster)
* World Premiere for advanced Action Building
* Build Social Stream based Sliders
* Quick and Easy building based on Slider, Slide and Layer Templates
* Performance Monitor and better Performance Suggestions
* Viewport based Slide Loading and Progress
* Create Slider Defaults, Reset, overwrite single Settings due all slides
* Save Slide, Slider, Layer, Animation as Template


Layers have evolved from simple layers to become powerful scene building tools!
Drag and Drop, Customize & Animate your way to your perfect slider.

Animation Builder
Huge Number of Possible Transitions
Create your custom animations
Set Start / End Time, Speed, Ease and Effects of any Layers
Show/hide layers on Slider Effects, Events, Actions
Add Unlimited Number of Layers
YouTube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos, Shapes, Buttons, Predefined Buttons as Layer
Set actions and links per Layers
Combine Actions over different Layers and slides
Option to Link to a Specific Slide via Layer
Toggle Animation, Classes, video functions via Layers
Variable Layer Image Sizes, full responsive and/or Device Size based
Design your Layers for different Device sizes after your needs
Option to Hide Layers on Any Devices


We have implemented almost all navigation types you can think of, which can be aligned anywhere on the stage.
Be in full control with Slider Revolution Navigation!

Bullet, Button, Tabs and Thumbnail Navigation, single or mixed mode. Any position like outter,inner, aligned etc.
Left/Right, Top/Bottom Mouse Scroll events.
Vertical/Horizontal Keyboard actions
Mobile Touch Enabled (Optional)
“Stop Slide Timer on Hover” Function
Auto-Hiding of Navigation with Delay Option
Optional Countdown Timer Line
Set position, color, size of Time Line
Set size, visibility, amount and behaviour of Thumbs, Tabs, Bullets, Arrows
Hide / Enable Navigation on Mobile Devices
Keyboard Navigation
Fancy Navigation Skins with Slider Preview

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