Easy Image Gallery
Easy Image Gallery handles both the management of your website images as well as provide a common resource for any variety of frontend Image galleries. Designed for ease of use and system compatibility, the Easy Gallery offers many features such as:
# Features:
Folder-based with unlimited folders and images within folders support
Add, Rename, Move or Delete image folders without leaving the component
Supports image uploads
ZIP support for image uploads
Two image browse views: Thumbnails and details
Fast and intelligent image thumbnails and resizing with aliased quality
Thumbnail caching on front and backend
Order your images with drag & drop
3 different and customizable thumbnail sizes for easier browsing
Multiple actions for images: Delete, Rename, Move and more
AJAX-based for quicker response
Enable or disable images without deleting files
Assign custom Title, Description and link URLs to each image
At-glance image information such as MIME type, dimensions, file size and original image review
Completely configurable slideshow display with size, timers, transitions and more parameters
Next, Prev, Pause and Play configurable buttons
Configurable buttons for slideshow thumbnails
Configurable text captions
CSS-based styling with 13 pre-made Skins
108 configurable Transitions
Lightbox support for images, Quicktime, Youtube and Vimeo videos
iPhone/Smart phone compatible
Cross-browser compatible
Animated image preloaders