jSecure Authentication is a security component which enables multi layered security protection to your Joomla website.
Drawback: Joomla has one drawback, any web user can easily know the site is created in Joomla! by typing the URL to access the administration area (i.e. www.site name.com/administration). This makes hackers hack the site easily once they crack id and password for Joomla!. Information: jSecure Authentication module prevents access to administration (back end) login page without appropriate access key.
Easy to install, jSecure adds a higher level of security to your Joomla website.
Features :
1) Google Re-Captcha Security - jSecure Google recaptcha feature provides secure authentication to Joomla administrator system. jSecure Google reCAPTCHA feature protects your joomla administrator access from spam attacks. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.
2) Secure Image Authentication - Secure Image Authentication function adds a second layer security of user authentication to your joomla administrator system. Secure image authentication matches the MD5 hash value of uploaded image with the stored image .
3) Spam IP Protection - This is a very useful online security feature. Spam IP Protection feature blocks the access of spammers to your joomla administrator system. Spam IP protection uses spam protection api to identify the spam IP and block them thereby protecting your website.
4) Country Block - Using Country Block feature website owners can block countries from where their website's joomla administrator section is attacked most.
5) Change Database Prefix - Changing the database table prefix is an easy way for an attacker to destroy your website. Our change db prefix functionality prevents hackers from damaging the database by changing its prefix.
6) WHOIS Lookup Tool - Using WHOIS Lookup tool website administrator can find out the domain’s name servers (DNS) information used for service
7) Email Scan - This feature allows website owners to blacklist spam email address in joomla administrator. During user registration on frontend these email ids are matched with the one saved in database. If it matches user is blocked from registering on frontend.
8) Multiple User keys - Using this feature a user can set multiple secret keys to different groups. Multiple secret keys can be set to different groups whom you wish to grant access to your joomla! backend without sharing your master passkey. Multiple User Keys feature is an important user authentication feature.
9) Form Based Authentication - Form based authentication is a first layer of user authentication security which allows a user to enter a secret key in a form instead of a url.
10) Auto Ban I.P Address - Auto Ban IP feature is used to block a specific IP address. This is an important website security protection feature which helps your website from spammers attack.
11) Component Security - Restrict access to other components installed on your site by setting passwords for them.
12) Access Graph feature - Detailed graph to show successful & unsuccessful login attempts on your site administration.
13) Master Password Protection - You can block access of jSecure component to other users. Setting to "Yes", allows you to create a password that will be required when any administrator tries to access the jSecure configuration settings in the Joomla administration area.
14) Master Login Control - Login control feature restrict multiple users from logging into the site using same username and password.
15) Admin Password Protection - Added password protection to add extra security layer over the administrator folder using htaccess and htpassword.
16) Assigning Black Listed IP’s and White Listed IP's - Bans an IP automatically after some specific attempts for a particular time period from accessing the admin area.