JUX Download
JUX Download is a great Joomla Component which help users download different file types, which is developed by JoomlaUX team. This extension allows admin to set permission for different access level to download their files.
Setting permission for different access level
For some of you who built your own business website, you must selling your product and not giving it free. Therefore, different access level is needed and you have to set up to allow your members to download the product, not your visitors.
As an example of how your download page looks like for each access level, JUX download has created 2 download list for public download and registered download. To view more extension in download list for registered, please login in our login page.
We have divided the group to 10 which are:
Public/ Demo/ Guest/ Manager/ Administrator/ Registered/ Author/ Editor/ Publisher/ Super User.
Admin can easily change setting for each group to assign their jobs.
Module position supported
Together with the common design like list and grid layout, module position is also supported. You can display your products in slideshow style with 2 items or 3 items per slideshow or you can display it at the sidebar position.