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JUX Real Es

JUX Real Estate

Version v3.3.0
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site JoomlaUX external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,025
Dev Price 15 €
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JUX Real Estate is a JOOMLA component designed to fit a multitude of real estate related needs, and it is developed by JoomlaUX team.

When having real estate properties to sell or having demand of buying/renting them, you definitely will need a place where you can find and share all realty information. A realty website is what you are looking for. And our JUX Real Estate component can help you systematically and effectively organize your realty listing as well as other information on your site.

JUX Real Estate is designed not only for companies or individuals doing business in real estate to post their realty’s information on the web, it is also for people who want to find information about realty, to find property to buy/or rent.

How does JUX Real Estate work?

- Agent is allowed to manage realties which users submitted to him.
- Submit realties, Manage realties of other user.
- Agent contact form: phone, fax, email, skype, social share

- Submit realty to an agent
- Receive notification email about realty that the user has just submitted
- Allow to edit realty information.

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