PDF Invoices - j2Store
Send a PDF invoice attached to the order notification email that is sent to the customer. The app dynamically generates PDF invoices and attaches it to the email. It uses the Invoice Templates feature for the PDF layout and content. The app uses DOMPDF library.
Attach PDF invoices in emails
Many a times you might want to send a copy of the invoice in the email notifications sent to the users. Now attach invoices in PDF format to the emails with the PDF invoices plugin. Choose who should receive the PDF invoices.
Customize the layout of the PDF
You can change the layout of PDF to suit your requiements by adding CSS.
App requirements J2Store PRO 3.2.x or later Joomla 3.4.x or later DomPDF Requirements PHP 5.0+ (5.3+ recommended) DOM extension GD extension DomPDF Recommendations MBString extension: provides internationalization support. This extension is not enabled by default. dompdf has limited internationalization support when this extension is not enabled. opcache (OPcache, XCache, APC, etc.): improves performance