HWD MediaShare
Native HTML5 media support:HWDMediaShare has been built around support for the <video> and <audio> HTML5 media elements which allow you to show media on your site natively in browsers, without the use of plugins such as Flash.
HWDMediaShare has been built around support for the <video> and <audio> HTML5 media elements which allow you to show media on your site natively in browsers, without the use of plugins such as Flash. Although this is new technology, it is the future of media sharing. Most importantly, this feature allows you to display your videos in iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads.
Server-side media processing
Included in HWDMediaShare is a powerful set of media processing tools which allow you to manipulate video, audio and images after they have been uploaded to your server. HWDMediaShare will generate new media files in web-friendly formats for optimized display and playback in internet browsers.