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Version v1.2
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site aminshahrokhi external
License Read Rules external
Views 2,816
Dev Price $ 19
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Remember to extract zip file!

iDemo, is a Joomla! 3.x component. This extension makes you able to have a full functional demo frame on your website. There are various information which can be presented by iDemo in your website’s front-end such as demo name, image, description, demo link, purchase link, version and creation date. Using iDemo is too easy and does not need any coding knowledge.


Also, iDemov1.2 (the current version) has the ability to show a specific demo instead of the latest demo i.e. the default demo, by adding a query string. To use this feature, you can add a “siteid” query to the end of the demo site URL e.g. if your demo site is and you have 5 demos on it, the latest demo added will be shown as default but if you would like to show the (e.g.) second demo (with ID 2), you can write and this way the demo with ID 2 will be show instead of the latest one. To find the demo IDs, after log into the Joomla! administrator panel, go to “Components > idemo”. You will easily find the demo IDs at the right column of the table.

Note: Dear customers who has purchased iDemo before and now would like to update it from v1.1 to v1.2 without reinstalling, can follow this instruction:

Download iDemo v1.2 via CodeCanyon control panel (Downloads section)
Extract the main package and then extract the “” included in the main package
Copy the “view.html.php” file of the iDemo v1.2 from the path: com_idemo > site > views > idemo
Replace it with the same file of the version 1.1. The path on the installed iDemo is: [Joomla!] > components > com_idemo > views > idemo
Special Thanks to Michael Pignataro ( ) for adding this feature to iDemo

Note: There is a Joomla! template in the iDemo download package which must be used for the iDemo menu item of your website. Please read the iDemo documentation exactly to find out how to do this correctly.

Fully responsive
BootStrap Compatible
FontAwesome Support
Easy to Use and Costomization
Dedicated Joomla! Template+
Ongoing Support
Display specific Demo

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