MijoVideos - Share Your Videos
Introducing, MijoVideos: The revolutionary video sharing component for Joomla. MijoVideos allows you to turn your site into a professional looking video-sharing website with user-interface and features similar to YouTube. Frames preview, custom fields, multi-channel, playlists, responsive design, template overrides and drag & drop video uploading are some of the great features that MijoVideos ships with.
Native HTML5 player, mobile ready
Drag & Drop and remote video upload
Frames preview for local videos
User channels and multi-channel support
Video and playlist like/dislike voting
Playlist embedded into the player
Multi-category and Joomla 3 Tags component
Custom fields for videos and channels
Native multi-language support
Responsive design
Easy-to-use interface inspired by YouTube
Front-end management for user and admin
Social media sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email)
Migration from hwdMediaShare, JomWebplayer and more
EasySocial integration (stream, profile, app)
JComments, Komento and Disqus integration
Search, Smart Search, Xmap, MijoSEF integration
SEF URLs and SEO (Metadata)