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JUX Gallery

Version v1.1.3
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site JoomlaUX external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,191
Dev Price € 12
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JUX Gallery a joomla photo gallery extension from JoomlaUX team is an exceptional responsive Joomla gallery component to present neat & beautiful Gallery on your site. JUX Gallery is designed to match with any screen size, from big screen like Imac, to medium screen like Ipad, or small screen like iPhone. Don’t worry about the image quality because it will still display nicely on any of that.


Fully responsive
JUX Gallery is designed to match with any screen size, from big screen like Imac, to medium screen like Ipad, or small screen like iPhone. Don’t worry about the image quality because it will still display nicely on any of that.

Basic styles album box
JUX gallery offers basic styles album box with classic layout and grid layout album box. It uses the power of jQuery to display your images in logic and well – ordered rows, no matter what image’s sizes are.

Beautiful hover effect
7 hover effects combine 10 loading effects are added to help your gallery more beautiful and attracting attention.
You will be able to describe for each image and the number of characters you want to write is depending on the amount of word you set in description max char.

Gallery lightbox with slideshow functionality
JUX Gallery supports the lightbox when you click on the image. You also can add the image’s title and description for each image, all of that will appear together with the image when you clicked on.

Simple control in backend
The unique feature that makes JUX Gallery standout lines is its administration section. You can control JUX Gallery in only one view – all actions can be done within only one page without reloading page. All settings can be easily done by dragging and dropping I term.


Highlight Features
Creative style in the user interface
Album box offers basic styles: classic layout, grid layout album box.
Album button available
Beautiful lightbox with slideshow functionality
Image title and description for each image
Backend control easily with drag & drop
Stunning design
Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery
Runs on modern browsers (including IE7 /8)
iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
Category filter
Unlimited item
Support multiple languages
Flexible configuration in component and menu parameters.

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