DJ-Classifieds AJAX App
Ajax Search App for DJ-Classifieds changes the way your users can search for ads. With this application, you can let them filter the search without site reloading!
In the App options you can set Ajax behavior for:
- Pagination - Enables dynamic Ajax also calls in Items view's pagination
- Infinite scroll (lazy loading) - You can set it to load the next items while scrolling the category/search result page - items will be dynamically loaded during scrolling
- Grid layout (masonry) - Disables the equal height script, so the items will nicely fit (one after another with different heights) in Masonry layout.
- Progress bar - enables the scroller bar purposed to show the progress when loading the new items.
- Sorting - Enables dynamic Ajax also calls in Items view's sorting by columns
- Categories change - Enables dynamic Ajax also calls in Items view's Categories section
- Update URL - Enables updating browser's address bar with the search results URL
Additionally, it is possible For search text fields only to enter the time (in milliseconds), after which Ajax call is made, after pressing a key. The field can be left to empty to make Ajax call after the field loses focus.