Content Statistics
Complete cross-extension statistics recording and report system for Joomla, full activity stream logs for admins. Monitor everything that happens in your site without the need of an external tool like Google Analytics. Analytics right into your Joomla site, graphic reports.
t can work with any Joomla extension and component: K2,com_content,DOCman,JomSocial,Community Builder,VirtueMart,Mosets Tree,ZOO,JoomGallery,EasyBlog,SobiPro...
Show popularity rankings and content evolution reports using the ultra configurable modules served with it. Know how many people sees your Joomla articles, K2 items, Community Builder profiles, JomSocial pages, track DOCman document downloads, VirtueMart item sales along the week, months and years. The definitive Graphic Statistics and Rankings system for Joomla offers you all you need to complete your site with beautiful Google Charts reports of your stats. Its high versatile plugin system makes this extension integrate perfectly with every area of your site, without needing to worry about your component updates.
-Acitvity log for admins. know WHO did WHAT, WHEN and from WHERE. multiple filters available
-Dynamic interactive SVG and HTML5 graphics, support for all browsers including iPad, iPhone, Android...
-Responsive graphics
-Display all info or "unique visitors" info
- CSV & Excel data export
- Purge old data
Make rankings and evolution reports graphs of:
-User registrations
-User logins
-Article edition, creation, deletion, publish/unpublish, trash, archive
-Extension install/uninstall
-Module add, edit, archive, publish/unpublish
-Plugin publish/unpublish
-Top viewed articles
-Top viewed categories
-Top viewed sections
-Top viewed documents
-Top downloaded documents
-Top purchased products
-Top reviewed products (optional: define a rating)
-Top grossing products
-Top viewed user profiles
-Top viewed photo albums
-Top viewed videos
-Top viewed groups
-Top commented videos
-Top commented groups
-Most popular topics (views)
-Most popular topics (posts)
-Most Thank Yous
-Members who were thanked the most
-Members who thanked the most
-Members who posted the most
-Top viewed autor pages (blogs)
-Top commented articles
-Most voted articles (optional: define a rating)
many possible filters:
-Current category
-Current autor
-Specific category
-Specific autor
-All category/article/section (equivalent to no filter)
optionaly filter by user options:
-Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user)
-Specific user (actions done only by that user)
any timeframe:
-Last hour / 6 hours / 12 hours
-Last day / 3days / 5 days
-Last week / 2 weeks
-Last month / 6 months
-Last year
-All time
Many graphic charts available:
-Line charts
-Area charts
-Column charts
-Pie charts
-Stepped area charts
-Line charts (smooth)
-Column stacked
-Area stacked
-MAP charts
-IP geo-location: draw Map charts from your visitors (Country/State/City)