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OSYouTube Pro

Version v4.0.5
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Joomlashack external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,267
Dev Price $ 35
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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Have you had problems embedding YouTube videos into a Joomla site? OSYouTube is the fastest and easiest way to use YouTube with Joomla. OSYouTube allows you to embed YouTube videos simply by copying-and-pasting a video URL from YouTube. Not only is OSYouTube easy to use, but it comes with powerful, advanced features. OSYouTube Pro allows you to control the autoplay, video controls, fullscreen mode, player theme, scrollbar control, select the source of related videos and much more!


OSYouTube allows you to embed YouTube videos simply by copying-and-pasting a video URL from YouTube.



Not only is OSYouTube easy to use, but it comes with powerful, advanced features. OSYouTube Pro allows you to control the autoplay, video controls, related videos, fullscreen mode, player theme, scrollbar control and much more!


Powerful Joomla YouTube settings
OSYouTube has many useful features including responsive design, customizable player controls, and much more. You can choose a theme and your favorite scrollbar style.


Easy-to-use Joomla YouTube embeds
To display Joomla YouTube videos you simply paste the YouTube URL into articles or modules.


Automatic video embeds
OSYouTube will automatically generate the Joomla YouTube embed on the frontend of your site. No code needed.

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