Responsive Slider for K2
An impressive, feature-rich and elegant responsive slider for K2 articles. Responsive Slider for K2 is a simple and elegant jQuery image gallery and content slider with animated captions, responsive layout and touch support for mobile devices.
Detailed Data Source
- Specify Items source (categories, tags, etc)
- Select specific Items
- Exclude specific Items
- Show Items within time range
- Show/Hide Featured Items
- Show/Hide Items with videos
- Configure Items ordering
Customizable Layout
- Limit Items count
- Configure images dimensions
- Show/Hide Item title/introtext
- Show/Hide Item date
- Show/Hide Item category/author
Customizable Effects
- Configure transition effect
- Configure transition effect for Mobile devices
- Select color skin
- Configure Autoplay mode
- Show Play/Pause buttons
- Show Navigation arrows
- Show Navigation bullets with thumbnails
- + many more