JReviews - Directory & Reviews
JReviews is a directory, classifieds, reviews, ratings, catalog, content construction kit (CCK), and multi-media gallery component, all rolled into one very powerful and flexible Joomla extension. It combines a powerful multi-directory/database system with the most advanced multi-criteria ratings and reviews functionality. Use it to build City Guides, Classifieds, Business Directories, Real Estate Listings, Product Catalogs, Book Reviews, Restaurant Reviews, Hotel Reviews, Events, Movie & Gaming Review Databases, Job Boards, Beverage Reviews and so much more. Perfect for building directory sites similar to Yelp and TripAdvisor.
JReviews is developed with a strong emphasis on user experience on desktop and mobile, SEO, and performance, so you can focus on building a great site. It has hundreds of features and settings so we recommend that you take some time to go over our website, documentation, and demo. You can also get started quickly with the free RapidLauncher Add-on, which lets you easily choose from several directories that you can import to your site with sample data.
JReviews has been in continuous development since 2006, making it one of the longest-running projects for Joomla. You can use JReviews for any type of directory with reviews functionality, including, but not limited to:
- Business directory
- Products directory
- Hotels directory
- Restaurants directory
- Events and venues directory
- Offers directory
- People directory
- Organizations directory
- Places directory
- Products directory
- Hospitals and doctors directory
- Universities, colleges and schools directory
Below you can find a summary of some of the most important features and functionality:
- One directory or multiple directories on the same site with a single installation (City Guide, Business Directory, Catalog, Classifieds, Events, Recipes, Downloads). You can see this type of setup live on our demo site where we have examples for each type of directory.
- Inquiries to contact listing owners.
- Claims to allow a business owner to take control of a listing to update it and be able to reply to reviews.
- Listing comparison functionality
- Media uploads (photos, videos, audio, attachments)
- Multiple layouts for photos and videos
- Advanced search and filtering with the ability to create custom search and filter forms.
- Site members can add listings to their favorites list
- Related listings widgets to display information in one listing about other listings. For example, display events in a venue listing and venue information for each event. Display albums for an artist and artist info in albums. Display nearby places inside a listing. Display other listings from the same category and much more.
- Multiple layouts available for list pages: blog view, tableview, thumb view, and masonry.
- Powerful SEO features that allow you to easily create dynamic page titles and meta descriptions for listings based on title, field data, and more.
- Schema.org, Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Card markup and the ability to easily select the correct Schema.org and Facebook Open Graph object types for your listings.
Most powerful review system of any extension and longest running multi-criteria ratings reviews project for Joomla since the pre-Joomla Mambo days.
- Site editor and user reviews which are separate from each other.
- Multi-criteria review rating system.
- Configurable rating scale for review ratings.
- Assign custom weights for individual review criteria ratings.
- Bayesian ranking system used to calculate a listing rank based on average rating and number of reviews.
- Listing ordering by individual review rating criteria (best service, best value, best location, etc.).
- Review custom fields.
- Owner replies to reviews.
- Review comments.
- Ability to disable ratings and use reviews as an advanced commenting system.
- Media uploads (photos, videos, audio, attachments) for reviews
- Advanced filtering for reviews with the ability to create custom search forms.
JReviews has an advanced media system for listings and reviews that allows you to use it for downloads, audio, video and photo galleries. It also allows you to easily embed videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo and Twitch. It supports storage in localhost, as well as Amazon S3, RackSpace and Digital Ocean Spaces. For audio and video uploads, it supports FFMPEG for local encoding and also integrates with the most important cloud encoding services.
Custom Fields
Through the use of custom fields, JReviews allows you to create your own listing and review forms and these can be different for each listing type you create in the system. Each field has advanced settings that let you control view/write access and customize its output. You can also establish field relations like Country/State/City. The following custom fields are available: single and multiple select, radio, checkbox, text, textarea, date, website, email, integer, decimal, related listing, banner.
Last, but not least, the FormBuilder field which allows you to create custom forms with repeatable inputs. It comes with predefined forms for recipes, business hours, restaurant menus, inventory, computer specifications.
Moderation System
Choose which types of submissions are automatically published on the site and which ones should enter a moderation queue that allows site administrators to approve them before making them live. Each listing type can have different settings for each type of submission. This applies to listings, reviews, media, review comments, owner replies, etc. and they can all be set up individually according to your needs.
Notifications System
Advanced notification settings for all different types of submissions (listings, reviews, review comments, owner replies) so you can decide which activities should trigger an email notification to site users.
Community Integration
JReviews comes with out-of-the-box support for EasySocial and JomsSocial. It can automatically link users to their EasySocial and JomSocial profiles. It can display EasySocial and JomSocial avatars and automatically add listings, reviews and media activities to the EasySocial and JomSocial activity streams. It also comes with several apps/plugins for EasySocial and JomSocial to display My Listings, My Favorites and My Reviews in profile pages. Finally, there's also and integration for Community Builder and Kunena to for profile linking and avatars .
Modules and Shortcodes
13 different modules are included in addition to listings, reviews and field shortcodes that can be used to show listings and reviews throughout the site. The modules are fully configurable and many of them have auto-detect functionality to show dynamic results based on the current page directory, category and listing type. When integrating with EasySocial and JomSocial using the Everywhere Add-on for profile reviews, it is also possible to use the listings and reviews modules with these EasySocial and JomSocial profiles and reviews.
- Listings Advanced Search
- Listings Advanced Filtering
- Reviews Advanced Filtering
- Directory
- Listings
- Reviews
- Reviewer Rank
- Fields
- Range
- Media
- User Favorites
- Totals
- Calendar
JReviews App Store
The system can be further extended through Add-ons available in the JReviews App Store:
- RapidLauncher: The quickest way to get a working setup of JReviews on your site. One-click import for Business Directory, City Guide Directory, Classifieds Directory, Movies Directory, Games Directory, Tutorials Directory and Products Catalog.
- Queue: Improve the processing speed of the most common actions on your site, including, but not limited to listing and review submissions, by offloading dependent processes to a queue, for asynchronous processing.
- TrustedUsers: Allows bypassing moderation settings for designated users or based on earned trust.
- MapsPro: seamless integration of maps and proximity search functionality using Google, OpenStreetMap or Mapbox.
- PaidListings: monetize your website by accepting payments for listing submissions and for enhanced listings with custom fields and media.
- Import: import and export listings using CSV files.
- WidgetFactory: powerful widget generator that lets listing owners publish widgets on other websites
- AMP: Lightning fast and beautiful content-rich pages in mobile search results.
- ListingResources: complement your listings with 3rd party resources (deals, affiliate links, news, articles, awards, ...). The add-on can handle any resource that you want to include that doesn't require a separate listing.
- MyLists: keep users coming back to your site by allowing them to create their own public and private lists (wishlist, watchlist, etc.). Site owners can also create pre-defined lists.
- UserProfiles: add a powerful profile system to your site that takes advantage of all the powerful features in JReviews like multimedia upload, custom fields, user reviews, and advanced search.
- Everywhere: one powerful review system for all your needs. Extend the user review functionality from JReviews to other components, then manage all reviews from a single place. Plugins for leaving reviews in EasySocial and JomSocial profiles are included.