JoomTestimonials is a joomla! component that showcase testimonials and suggestions in your website, this component allow your users to submit their testimonials and feedbacks in a beautiful and creative way.
⚙️ Easy to configure and manage
- Fully featured backend
- Admin can approve, add, delete, edit all testimonials
- Easy moderation from frontend
✒️ Customizable Layout and design
- Simple list, quotes, cards, timeline templates
- You can configure to fit your website template or your purpose such as layout, font, color, avatar size, field to be shown
- Responsive design, works good on all mobile devices
- Support namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old versions
- Works good on all Joomla! templates frameworks like Gantry, Warp, T3 ...
? Predefined Fields
Rating field
Avatar uploader / picker field
Website field
E-mail field
Position field
Category field
Company field
Name field
Video field (support Youtube, Dailymotion and Vimeo)
? Text Limiter
- Enable or disable text limiter feature
- Shorten testimonials to a specified size and then add an ellipsis to the end of each item
- Show full testimonial text on mouse hover or on read more button click
- Hide testimonial text with show less button easily
- Add custom read more and show less buttons classes
➕ More Features
- Unlimited categories and subcategories
- Avatar can be picked from pictures list or uploaded from computer
- Joomla! Captcha Integration to prevent spams
- Statistics in backend dashboard
- You can show testimonials list from a specified category or categories
- You can limit text of testimonials
- You can force predefined fields to be required in submission form
- Joomla! ACL Support
- Support Joomla! Update System
- Email notifications
- You can configure auto approve when a user submit a testimonial
- Provides various fields : avatar, position, company and website.
- You can choose which field to display in the submit form, it can be required or not.
- Testimonials Module with slide feature, and many options to change style and layout (quote, timeline or as slide).
- Testimonials stats module
- Submit form module with 2 layouts (modal button and full form view)
- Content plugin that let you display testimonial inside Joomla article using shortcode ex: {joomtestimonials id=xx}
- Joomla! custom fields integration
- Animate testimonials items inside list view
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