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Version v1.8.0
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site DJ-Extensions external
License Read Rules external
Views 1,530
Dev Price $ 18
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 3.3
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Remember to extract zip file!

DJ-CookieMonster extension is a Joomla Joomla 3.x, Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 1.5. plugin - meant for informing site's visitors about the cookie policy. It also offers WCAG/ADA/Section508 compliance. The Joomla plugin passes WAVE and AChecker tests for WCAG compliance!

You can use the tab to navigate to "CLOSE" button and close it with the "ENTER" key.

The plugin is highly customizable:
- You can select one of 4 different display styles, - select where to display message
- make the message fixed (overlay the site)
- display it in system message box or top/bottom of the site
- enable test mode while testing the setup
- show once or show as long as user clicks the - confirm/close button
- use cookie to manage the reminder (for example - - show the message every 15 or 30 days)
- customize any link, label etc.
- display message from the plugin directly
- display any module in the position you choose


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