SIMGenealogy is a full-featured genealogy and family tree extension for Joomla! Quickly create family trees or shared genealogy projects, with privacy settings, project managers, commenting, notes, and more.
Bootstrap enabled, displays on all mobile devices
Supports family trees and social networks.
Family trees support GEDCOM import and export.
Set specific user group(s) to allow creating or administering family trees.
Supports multi-languages
Create custom fields to collect meaningful information for each node. Field types include textbox, textarea, radio buttons, checkboxes, single/multi select, and single/multi select with options populated by SQL.
Set specific user group(s) to create and administer family trees.
Admins can delete and edit everything for every family tree, add/remove nodes in the frontend and backend.
Tree owners can add managers to their genealogy projects, and set access privacy for each tree.
Privacy settings include: for everybody, for registered users, for friends (only applicable when integrated with EasySocial, JomSocial, and Community Builder), for the owner only.
Managers can add/remove nodes and add notes to the project.
Commenting, Comments likes
Attach registered users to specific nodes of any family tree. Works like tagging users.
...and more!
Check out the full list of features and description by clicking on the Documentation link.
Sample family tree based on the popular TV show "Modern Family": https://www.simbunch.com/demos/simgenealogy/sample-tree-modern-family