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Fix 404 Error Links

Fix 404 Error Links Pro

Version v2.2.8
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Web357 external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,496
Dev Price € 29
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The Fix 404 Error Links is a SEO Tool for admins and consists a useful extension for any Joomla! website. This extension has been created to deal with the log 404 (Page not Found) errors. It allows any website administrator to manage and fix the problematic links, as well as redirect them to the desired page. In control’s panel page you can view the five most popular error links, the five latest error 404 links, the redirects with the most hits with details, and a few general statistics, like daily, weekly, monthly or the total error links that have been resolved or have not been resolved yet.


Live Demo
Username: demo / Password: demo


View & Fix the Error 404 links
In the “Error 404 links” page you can see a list with all type of error links (e.g. 400, 401, 403, 404, etc.). On each row, there is a “Fix it” button, the hits of each error URL, the HTTP code with the detailed error message and the date-time of last access. You can also use the ‘Search-Tools’ bar to filter only the errors that have been already fixed or have non-fixed yet. You can also search the error links with specific HTTP code or the errors within a day, in 7 days, in a month, or in the latest 3 months. In the same page, at the top-left toolbar, there are two helpful buttons, to delete all error links or only the error links that have been already resolved.


In the “Redirects” page you can see a list with the already-fixed URLs. You can view the match type of the redirect (e.g. Full URL, Contains string, Starts with a string, Ends with a string, Find and Replace), the source URL or the source text, the target URL when it matched with its match type, the hits and the and the date-time of last accessed.


Add redirection
You can add a redirect by filling the below fields.

  • Match type: There are 5 types of match type. (a. full URL, b. contains a string, c. starts with a string, d. end with a string, e. find and replace).
  • Source URL or text: the relative URL or the text that you want to redirect from. You can also use PHP regular expressions. Example: match all the error URLs which include the strings “coding” and “programming”. The source URL field should be like this “/(coding|programming)/”.
  • When matched: when the error URL or the text matched, the user will be redirected to a) URL, b) menu item, c) an error page with custom HTTP code, d) do nothing (just for the hits).
  • Target URL or text: The target URL will be a custom URL or an existed menu item.
  • Notes: You can add some private notes for each redirection. These notes are only displayed at the backend.



There are 3 types of logging:

  1. log the 404 error URLs
  2. log the error URLs that coming from bots
  3. log the error URLs which include at least one danger string.


Instant email notifications
Instant email notifications about the 404 error links. You will receive a detailed email that includes useful information about the error link, the attempter’s Country, the IP address, the web browser, and the operating system. At the end of the email, you will see an action button which will transfer you to the Joomla administrator panel and will help you fix this link quickly.


Email restrictions
Send email only once for the same error link.
The email notification will be sent only once if an email with the same error link has been already sent.


Send email only if the error link visited over X times.
The email notification will be sent only if the visits (hits) of the error link overcome the given count.


Redirect all 404 Error links in one page
All 404 links will be redirected to one single page, a custom url or a menu item. This parameter will not override the error urls that have been already fixed (Redirects).


Extra security with the danger strings
All URLs that contain a danger string will be redirected to one specific page (a custom URL or a menu item. Also, you will be able to manage the list of the danger strings. You can insert more danger strings by adding one entry per row.


GeoIP2 Webservice
The extension will not be working for IP addresses that come from the selected Continents or Countries. Not working means that not any logs will be stored and will not any email notifications, but the URLs (redirects) would be redirected as have been set.

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