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Version v1.7.13
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Geraint Edwards external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,239
Dev Price $ 39
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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EasyLayouts works with your Joomla content, custom fields, contact forms, menus and modules and allows you to create beautifully formatted content layouts and custom contact forms using a simple drag and drop interface. Control the presentation of your Joomla custom fields with ease - custom fields are no longer limited to being displayed as a list after the title or the end of your article. Add a filter module to your site to filter your content items allowing you to filter based on custom field value, tags, categories etc.


As a bonus EasyLayouts comes with some extra custom fields to extend the ones available in Joomla so you can use fields for related articles, youtube/vimeo videos, slideshows, file downloder. More custom fields are being added all the time. EasyLayouts is compatible with most site templates and allows you to create template overrides with no coding! You can think of EasyLayouts as a Page Builder for your content - use Joomla content, custom fields, modules and menus but control the presentation of your content with EasyLayouts, so you have the layout flexibility of a Page Builder whilst using Joomla core content and modules.


# Customise Your Content Layouts

  • Create layouts for all your content views - single article, category blog, category list, featured articles. article modules.
    Full control over the placement of your custom fields in your articles, blogs and lists
  • No coding necessary (template overrides with no PHP!).
  • Create layouts that are category and language specific.
  • Select custom field based columns in your category list view
  • Blog/Featured article entries can be formatted based on their category
  • Customise the layout of your intro items and list items in blog views differently if you want - again these can vary by category and language
  • The dynamic Float Layout allows you to transform your blog views dynamically fetching new articles as you scroll down the page

# Conditional Field Output

  • EasyLayouts 1.1.0 introduced conditional field display - so now you can choose to display your custom fields only if other custom fields satisfy special criteria you design

# Create custom contact forms

  • With EasyLayouts you can now design custom contact forms using the core Joomla contact component and contact custom fields.
  • No need to install a separate form designer - use core Joomla with beautiful forms designed using EasyLayouts
  • Use the new conditional field output to create conditional form field questions e.g. "Any special dietary requirement?" would open a new input box if the visitor answers 'yes'

# Extra Custom Fields to Enhance Your Site

  • Related Articles - this custom field allows you to link your articles together e.g. link recipes to chefs with 2 way linkage
  • Video (YouTube/Vimeo) - incorporate youtube videos or vimeo videos as custom fields with in your articles
  • Add slideshow to Joomla image list field - enhance the output of image list custom fields by presenting the image list as a slideshow
  • and more custom fields being added all the time
  • The EasyLayouts ImageList custom field allows you to upload images to your image list/slide show when you create or edit and article - you can even make these uploads specific to the article being edited to avoid clashes between multiple images with the same name. This image list field remembers the order you upload images to reuse this when the slideshow is displayes
  • Make your articles into a download manager withe the EasyLayouts Download file custom field - upload a file when you create or edit your article and set its access level so that you can control who can download your file.


# Filter your Menus and Modules
Add powerful filtering of content to your site by filtering your menu items or by adding one or more filter modules
- Filter the list of articles to be displayed in your menu items - filter based on combinations of custom field values
- Add a filter module to filter the articles based on custom field values with sophisticated logic
- The filter module is controlled by the layout editor and allows you to choose which filters to include in the module and how the filter module is presented - no template overrides or coding needed
- The filter module that works with core Joomla menu item types - no need to use a separate component, filter your com_content menu items.
Allows you to create sophisticated websites where your content is filtered by custom field values.

# Sort your Menu items and Modules
Use EasyLayouts to sort your articles based on custom field values.

# Responsive Template Support

  • Create responsive content layout - supporting Bootstrap 2, 3 & 4, UIkit 2 & 3
  • Works with most Joomla templates
  • more frameworks added all the time

# Custom Editing Pages

  • Create custom article editing pages that can be different for each article category

# Filter and Search Your Content

  • Filter your menu items and modules based on custom field values

# Easily Create Structured Website Content
Use categories to set up content types
Each has their own set of custom fields
EasyLayouts allows each type's display to be customised differently
See the demo site for an excellent example of this in action

#Supporting Joomla Versioning
Experiment with your layouts knowing you can roll back to a previous version if something isn't right with your new layout

# Integration with 3rd Party Addons
Supporting most 3rd party Custom Fields Addons out of the box
J2Store - customise your product pages easily and beautifully

# Template Overrides With no Coding
Many site developers spend hours creating template overrides to control the layouts of their content - this is made more complex with the placement of Joomla custom fields. There is no need for writing template overrides to create beautiful layouts for your content with EasyLayouts.
Your custom fields and article elements are placed exactly where you want them in your customised layouts.

# A Content Construction Kit (CCK) using Joomla Data
No longer do you need to add a third party CCK to create structured websites in Joomla
Your content and fields use the core Joomla components so you are not dependent on a complex CCK to manage your structured content
Create custom layouts and custom field selections which can vary by category
Use Joomla custom fields and EasyLayouts to create beautiful structured content - see the demo site for an example.

# Like a Page Builder for Content
You control the presentation of your Joomla content items using a drag and drop interface like a Page Builder (also known as a PageBuilder without the space)
Combine the power of a Page Builder to control the the presentation of your content items with Joomla custom fields and sophisticated filtering as you'd get in a CCK
When you want the power and flexibility of Joomla with the presentation options of a Page Builder, EasyLayouts is ideal for you. You don't need to build each page one at a time, as you would with a typical page builder, instead your content and layouts define the presentation of your content. So if you are frustrated by your PageBuilder then you should try EasyLayouts.

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