Aimy Captcha Pro - Less Form Guard
Aimy Capture-Less Form Guard is a user friendly way to protect your forms from spam bots and therefore improves the security of your Joomla! website. The system plugin is a Captcha alternative that does not require user action: It uses some well known anti-spam tests to decide whether the user is a human or a machine on form submission. Keep your forms spam free with user friendly Captcha alternatives.
How Does the Captcha Plugin Work?
It is a wide spread solution to keep forms spam free using a graphical captcha containing some text that a user has to enter.
But there are other possibilities to stop spam bots that are better for website usability and accessibility. Aimy Capture-Less Form Guard for Joomla! combines three of these methods:
Minimum Fill Out Time
A human who fills out a form will need some time to read the texts and type in the information. Bots, however, fill out forms in nearly no time. With Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard you can set a minimum time required to fill out the form: If the form is submitted faster than that, the submission will be rejected.
Bot Trap
The bot trap works with a hidden input field in the form. Bots usually fill out all fields present in the form's code and do not evaluate which ones are actually rendered by the browser and thus shown to a human visitor. By placing such a hidden input field in your form, Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard can easily deny every submission that contains data for this special field.
DNS-based Blackhole Lists (DNSBL)
A lot of organizations put a lot of effort in building up blacklists, where known spam hosts are listed. Aimy Extensions uses two of those databases to look up spam-likely IP-addresses: NiX Spam and SORBS (safe). If the form is filled out by a bot that is on one of those lists, form submission will be rejected to keep your website secure.
In the plugin configuration you can activate one or all methods to protect your forms.