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Latest News Enhanced

Latest News Enhanced Pro

Version v6.7.0
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site Olivier Buisard external
License Read Rules external
Views 2,339
Dev Price $ 29
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 3.3
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Latest News Enhanced Pro is a full-blown component with blog views and an all-in-one news/articles module presenting the latest, featured, popular, future (even pending), related or random article snippets in a consistent professional fashion. It has tons of features and is extremely flexible. It is highly configurable and expandable but remains easy to use.



* powerful selection of articles/K2, including categories, keywords, tags, author and date range
* preview unauthorized items, show related items (through keywords or tags matching),
* order items multiple ways (by date, popularity, title, console order, randomly, by category, by author),
* extend the module with additional data sources (available: news feeds),
* layout items with article's images, media custom field, SYW Icon custom field, K2 image extra field, author's picture, calendar representation, video, title, text introduction and detailed information,
* link items, url custom field or K2 link extra field, add 'read more' buttons (Bootstrap compatible),
* style items in responsive-ready layout designs,
* jumpstart your designs with available color schemes,
* create high-resolution thumbnails for devices with high pixel ratio (like retina screens) and WebP support,
* show items to targeted user groups with highly detailed and overridable information (author, hits, ratings, categories, date, keywords, tags, links, social media sharing, comments count, K2 extra fields, * Joomla 3.7 custom fields...),
* add pagination and/or touch-ready animations (jQuery or pure javascript),
* cache thumbnails, on-the-fly stylesheets and scripts for faster loading,
* add module instances inside articles, after a set number of paragraphs,
* supports Bootstrap 2 to 5,

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