JUX Accordion Menu
Accordion menus - a Joomla menu from the JoomlaUX team are used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing, and maximizing content. Such accordions practically are expandable whenever needed. You can really save some space and be able to show a lot of information using this technique. Yes, and of course such sliding content is always great from the design point of view and giving your visitor unique experience while he is visiting. Our JUX Accordion Menu is a beautiful accordion menu designed for the Joomla page.
JUX Accordion Menu is a type of slide down menu that displays in a multi-level accordion menu with beautiful design and fully responsive.
JUX Accordion menu are used widely in navigation, sliding, minimizing and maximizing content. This joomla menu will help you save space on your site and be able to show a lot of information when you hover on the menu.
JUX accordion menu is a beautiful accordion menu design for Joomla page. We provide you a stable, comparative menu with many templates, easy to use and simple configuration.
Admin area is where you can control all of the menu operations and style for it. We have created as simple as we can to help you reduce your tasks and make it easier for your manage.
Highlight Feature
- Stable: this module is tested many times before release to handle the error, especially js conflict.
- Flexible: Pro Accordion Menu has many options for you to control your menu as you want
- Menu level: control the start and end menu level
- Control: This module lets you choose to expand the menu by a click or mouse hover.
- Behavior: you could set behavior so that many items can be expanded at the same time.
- Animation: you could set the speed of expanse action.
- Clean design with powerful of CSS3
- Multiple accordion levels