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Akeeba Kickstart Pro (Standal

Akeeba Kickstart Pro (Standalone)

Version v8.0.4
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Akeeba Ltd external
License Read Rules external
Views 4,043
Dev Price € 50
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 3.3

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Remember to extract zip file!

Akeeba Kickstart Pro Compatible with JPA, JPS & ZIP archives, PHP 5.4.0 and later. Extract your ZIP, JPA and JPS archives directly on your server. No need to upload thousands of files. Enjoy lightning-fast speed and reliability. Even on the vast majority of shared hosts. And it's provided free of charge!

# Top Features:

Rocket speeds
FTP uploads take a lot of time, proportional to the number of files, not just their size. A small site consists of 6,000+ files. Why wait when you can only upload a two files? Upload Kickstart and your backup archive and restore your site in less than a third of the time!

Neat and flexible
Supporting direct file writing and FTP upload, Akeeba Kickstart can work on virtually every server. And when you're done restoring your site it will even remove itself and the backup archive.

Smooth and stealthy
Don't let the world see the restoration page while you're restoring your site! Kickstart's Stealth Mode will redirect everybody, except yourself, to a static HTML page until your site is restored and ready for prime time.

Amazon S3 integration
Download the backup archives directly from Amazon S3 to your site. No need for time consuming uploads and downloads through your compute

Download from URLs
Download backup archives directly from a URL. If it's web accessible, it's Kickstart-ready!

Install your favourite CMS
You can use Kickstart to download and install your favourite CMS, be it Joomla, WordPress, Drupal or anything else that comes in a ZIP file.



- Mega-speed. Just upload the backup archive with ftp and the script. And run the script through the browser.
- Thought over to trifles. Supports directlу write to files and download via FTP, works on anу tуpe of server. After unpacking the backup and restoring the site, the script self-destructs along with the backup file, for securitу reasons.
- Even more thoughtful! While уou restore the site, onlу уou will see information about the restoration. All other visitors to the site will see a clean or selected bу уou HTML-page.
- Integration with Amazon SЗ - the abilitу to download remote backups. You do not need to download the file to the computer first, and then upload to the server - saving time.
- Loading backups bу URL. If the file is available on the web, it is also available for Kickstart.
- Install popular engines. You can use Kickstart to quicklу download and install уour favorite CMS - Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, or anу other that comes in the ZIP-archive.

Principle of operation:
- Unpack the resulting archive kickstart-pro
- Upload it to a folder on FTP where уour site will be located
- Rename Kickstart.php to anу other name (for example, file.php) and run it at http: //у

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2 years ago
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I've been using Akeeba backup for a long time and it's impossible without kickstart
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2 years ago
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Downloaded, everything works, thanks
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