School Management System
School management system for joomla is the best extension to manage your school with joomla website. there you can manage students, parents & teachers. student have own dashboard that can check student attendance report, exam result sheet, paid for school fees, message with teachers & other students. teachers have own dashboard that can manage students attendance call, exam mark input, check result sheet etc. same as parent have own account dashboard that monitor her all student school activities.
School Management System are working with Main 3 area
Students Area
In student area have nice dashboard. there first be show latest message from teacher's and friends. in attendance page can view your daily report by class teacher. if student be exam can check result here very easy.
Parents Area
Each student have parent. parent can login to frontend and check her student's activity very easy way. there have load of option for parent. options as check daily attendance report, result and paid her student any fees.
Teachers Area
Easy to manage exam marks and attendance. teacher also manage or inquery her class student offline payments. teacher can message to student or parent for any issues. teacher can check student result any time by roll.
# SMS Main Features:
Multi-language Support
75 + language ready for used as defult joomla. custom option for make any language in the world
Fees Management
Manage student's monthly fees very easily. have multiple category option to accept student fees.
Daily Attendance System
Manage daily attendance from administrator & teacher front-end account. student's & parent's be able to check attendance status.
Custom Field Builder
You can add 6 type form field element . Input, Textarea checkbox, radio button, select box & datepicker.
Parent monitor child activity
Parent's can monitor all activities of his student from his account. daily attendance report, result etc.
Accounting System
trace student fees & expense all at a place. view monthly, yearly income & expensce report.
Responsive user interface
smartphone, tab, mobile, labtop , desktop with all kind of device are working our joomla extension as well.
Exam Mark Import by CSV
Manage exam mark of all student from admin & front-end teacher profile both. also be supported CSV format.
Payment System
Ability to take manual offline payment & paypal payment are multiple times under same invoice.