Mx Site Tools - Four elements Sticky sidebar
Site Tools Joomla module with eight elements, Documentation style, Docs Custom Items, No right click, Sticky sidebar, Sticky footer, Light switch, Scroll Reveal, Text animation effects.
Sticky sidebar
- Div or class name
- Margin Top
- Margin Bottom
Sticky footer
- Div or class footer
- Div or class before footer
Docs articles
- Columns width
- Right column title
- Numbers counting - Yes / No
- Select Category
- Child Category Articles
- Category Depth
- Tag Filter
- Featured Articles
- Article Field to Order By
- Ordering Direction
- Count
- Article custom fields - Yes / No
- Item Title
- Title Max length
- Description display
- Description Max length
- Images settings
- From Image Intro - Yes / No
- From Image Full text - Yes / No
- From Inline Intro text - Yes / No
- From Inline Full text - Yes / No
- Order to Get
- Resize Mode
- Image Width
- Image Height
Docs Custom items
General settings
- Columns width
- Right column title
- Numbers counting - Yes / No
Custom items options
- Title
- Main text
No Right Click
Disable Mouse Right Click, Text Selection and Keyboard Shortcut Keys.
- Disable Right Click - Yes / No
- Disable Image Right Click - Yes / No
- Disable Image draggin - Yes / No
- Disable Copy paste - CTRL + C - CTRL + V
- Disable Print - CTRL + P
- Disable View source - CTRL + U
- Disable Save - CTRL + S
- Disable CTRL + A
- Disable F12
Scroll to reveal
Item settings
- Div or Class Name
- Effect
- Masker
- Timer
Light switch
Available in three versions. Version one is only for bootstrap 5 templates.
- Horizontal - left / right
- Horizontal position
- Vertical - top / bottom
- Vertical position
- CSS code
Text animation effects
- Div or class name
- Effect
- Text color
- Text hover color
Sticky columns
This module works simply by putting the names of div or class you want to stick on the Div name field. If it is a div to stick, should put it for example #container and if is a class it should be example .container. Multiple items should separated by symbol , Example you have divs left and right to slide, the code should be #right, #left
Light switch
Three version available. Version one works only with bootstrap 5.
Text animation effects
There are two versions Text animation effects where the texts are automatically animated or Text over animation effect where the animations starts with mouse over text
No Right Click
Disable Right Click for all the page or only in images, image drugging and keyboard shortcut keys "Ctrl + A", "Ctrl + C", "Ctrl + V", "Ctrl + P", "Ctrl + S" , "Ctrl + U" and F12.
Scroll to reveal
Make Website with Scroll Reveal Effects. Scroll to reveal adds different effects to content that is triggered when your page content is in view
Docs articles
Documentation Style load articles from one or many categories. If there is a Documentation with different articles, it is very handy to use it because it shows those articles in one page. Is easy to navigate with titles on the right with Scrollspy effect
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