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SJ HTML5 AudioFly

Version v1.8
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site ExtensionSpot external
License Read Rules external
Views 1,536
Dev Price $ 35
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Add a music player to your website. Powerfull mp3 player allows the visitors to create plylists and play music online. From there there's options for music download or redirect to a shop.


SJ AudioFly (audio player, online music player, mp3 player)

SJ Audio Fly is a powerful music player with great, unique features:
- You can use it to redirect your songs to a shop
- Visitors can create their own playlist that they can listen and download
- The playlist will be remembered even the next time you and you visitors acess the website
It has lots of uses: music shops, kids websites, bands and musicians portofolios and every website you wish to have a cool music player.

Audio Fly is using add-ons for styling and design:

  • Add AudioFly Item is a module that allows you to create simple play buttons to place them anywhere on the page (eg. inside articles, module positions). With it, you can load music from local or Dropbox.
  • Add AudioFly Playlist allows you to display an entire music folder in a playlist.
  • Add AudioFly Grid displays the audio files in a grid layout, with poster images and descriptions.
  • Add from Cloud allows you to get your music from Dropbox Cloud and display it as a customizable playlist. This is very handy when having low storage space or want a music player that has it's sources online.


SJ AudioFly for Joomla module(music player and add-ons to the mp3 player)

A different approach to the standard winamp style music player, SJ AudioFly will keep your visitors happy by giving them the option to create and listen their own playlists. There are plenty of options for the designer also wich makes this mp3 player one of the best from JED.


SJ AudioFly Features (music player and add-ons to the mp3 player)

  1. Saves the curent library for the next visit
  2. Add songs to library or entire playlist on the fly
  3. Multiple addons to design your music page and the audio player
  4. Can use dropbox to store your files then the music player plays them from there
  5. Add audiofly item is a module that creates simple buttons to place them anywhere on the page, like articles, positions. Can load music from local or dropbox.
  6. Add audiofly playlist allows you to display an entire folder of music in a playlist. It enhances the music player.
  7. Add audiofly grid display the songs in a grid format with poster images and descriptions.
  8. Add from cloud allows you to select music from dropbox cloud, and display a customisable playlist.
  9. Attractive and customisable design for both music player and add-ons
  10. Uses mp3 and ogg file formats
  11. Works on mobile devices iPhone/iPad and Android devices
  12. Sell your music easily by directing users to your shop or direct download for samples
  13. Show/hide the library
  14. Works in all major browsers - IE9+, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Chrome

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4 days ago
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very nice music player for Joomla websites with many options...
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